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5 Examples of How Altruism Can Catapult Business and Marketing Results

5 Examples of How Altruism Can Catapult Business and Marketing ResultsOne commonly overlooked tactic for becoming more successful is to become more altruistic. In his book Give and Take, Adam Grant discusses research studies on sales people, which showed that top performers were givers and averaged 50% more revenue than their colleagues.

So why does generosity work so well?

Because many people will be naturally inclined to reciprocate when someone does something nice for them.

Not everyone will return the favor, but a percentage of people will and if you reach enough people, then your business will definitely see the results. Having a generous mindset allows you to give freely without expecting anything in return.

Here are 5 examples of people and businesses that achieved growth by being generous.

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21 Sites to Find Freelance Projects and Work at Home Jobs

21+ Sites to Find Freelance Projects and Work at Home JobsOne of the easiest ways to make money online is to sell services that you provide either by freelancing or finding a full time remote work at home position. However, one of the biggest challenges that freelancers face is finding enough projects to replace their full time income.

Ultimately, activities like blogging and marketing can create enough brand awareness for your business that you don’t have to look for work any more.

But until then, you need a way to find projects or potential long term clients quickly. In this article, I’ll share a list of sites where you can find freelance projects and work at home jobs.

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Content Strategy Guide: A Step-by-Step Plan to Grow Your Traffic and Influence

Content Strategy Guide: A Step-By-Step Plan to Grow Your Traffic and Influence

One of the biggest challenges with content marketing is creating content that stands out. Not only do people have to create standout content, but they have to do it repeatedly if they want to grow their influence.

I’ve had a few conversations with potential clients and it turns out that many of them are unsure about how to get results with blogging. Through the years, I’ve also stumbled across many blogs. A few of them were very successful with their content marketing, but other blogs struggled to gain an audience and some even gave up on content marketing altogether.

So why do some businesses succeed with blogging while other businesses struggle with it? In this guide, I’ll take a closer look at what successful content marketers and businesses do, explain why you need a content strategy and also point out a few common mistakes I see people making when doing content marketing.

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Expert Infused Roundup: Overcoming the Problems of the Expert Roundup

Expert Infused RoundupOne popular format for blog posts is the expert roundup, where a blogger invites a lot of influencers to answer a question. These responses are then consolidated into a blog post and the influencers will often share the article on social media, which allows it to get a lot of social shares in a short amount of time.

The expert roundup was especially popular around 2014 and my first roundup article ended up getting over 7,000 social shares. In case you don’t know what an expert roundup is and why you might want to do one, you can check out the guide that I wrote on Smart Blogger.

However, expert roundups are not always effective and many roundup articles fail to even get over 100 shares. Low quality content, not having a good promotion plan (and yes, you should promote it yourself) and poor organization are just a few reasons that roundups can fail.

One expert roundup format that tends to produce more reliable results is what I call an expert infused roundup. This quick guide explains what an expert infused roundup is, as well as the pros and cons of using this format versus a traditional expert roundup.

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Data Shows that Content Converts Poorly: Is Content Marketing Worth the Investment?

Content Converts PoorlyIf you’ve been learning about content marketing, then you’ve probably wondered how well content actually converts readers into actual buyers of a product.

Content marketing blogs often talk about creating top of the funnel and bottom of the funnel content to attract potential customers who might be interested in purchasing your product.

While this idea makes sense, many people might be surprised to find that content doesn’t drive a lot of sales (at least not directly).

Oli Gardener (one of the co-founders of Unbounce and a well known authority in conversion optimization) recently shared that content from the Unbounce blog only converts at 0.3%. As an experiment, Oli decided to write 20 blog posts in 30 days. These articles were designed to create awareness for Unbounce’s newest products and drive trial signups.

The articles brought in 11,362 readers but only generated 37 signups (0.3%). He also compared the results to the past 9 months of content traffic and the conversion rate was about the same.

Does this mean that content marketing is a waste of time and resources?

Clearly, we know that it is not as evidenced by the fact that many businesses rely on it and a growing number of businesses are investing in their content marketing.

So what makes content marketing effective and how does it generates leads and sales for businesses? And how should we create content that is effective for actually generating revenue for our business?

Let’s take a closer look…

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